Made in Huntington Film & TV Festival
2025 Industry Day
Saturday April 5th 8:30am - 12:00pm
Located at the Cinema Arts Centre Cafe
423 Park Avenue, Huntington NY
Schedule Overview:
The inaugural Made in Huntington Film and TV Festival is pleased to present an Industry Day. Filmmakers and industry guests can connect and discuss potential synergies. The Industry Day will feature three moderated discussions.
8:30 a.m. Doors open for networking with coffee and bagels.
8:50 a.m. Welcoming Remarks
9:00am Session 1"The Future of Film Festivals". Featuring Amir Bogen (Programmer, Woodstock Film Festival, Lighthouse Film Festival), Devin Powell (the NY African Film Festival), Eric Volweiller (The Festival of Cinema NYC), and Nora Armani (the Socially Relevant Film Festival).
9:45 a.m. Networking Break
10:00 a.m. Session 2 "Publicizing, Marketing & Distributing Films: Where to From Here?" features marketing and distribution executives Danielle Digiacomo (Subtext Media), Eran Polishuk (Chapter Two Films), Isil Bagdadi (CAVU Pictures), and Mark Walton (The New School).
10:45 a.m. Networking Break
11:00 a.m. Session 3 "Fireside Chat: The Changing Dynamic of Content Distribution" featuring Ed Carroll (Kino Lorber and formerly of AMC Networks). Session moderated by Mark Robichaux (Author, "Cable Cowboy" and past Editor-in-chief, Multichannel News and Broadcasting + Cable Magazines)
11:45 a.m. Closing Remarks
Get Your Tickets Today - Space is Limited!
Industry Day Session Schedule
Session 1: 9:00 a.m.
"The Future of Film Festivals"
How do film festivals help shape the future of filmmaking?
What are the significant changes that have occurred since the COVID-19 pandemic, and how have current festivals adapted to those changes? What is the role of artist fees in the future of film festivals, and how can festivals better prepare for the evolving needs of filmmakers? Join us as representatives from the New York African Film Festival, the Woodstock Film Festival, Lighthouse Film Festival, and the Socially Relevant Film Festival discuss the future of film festivals.
9:45 a.m. Networking Break
Session 2: 10:00 a.m.
“Publicizing, Marketing & Distributing Films: Where to From Here?”
In this dynamic landscape, how can filmmakers best prepare their films for success beyond the festival circuit?
At what point should filmmakers engage with publicity, marketing, and distribution companies for their projects? What is the optimal stage for a project to be in before contacting industry representatives? Join us for this insightful conversation with representatives from Chapter Two Films, CAVU Pictures, and Subtext Media as they discuss the constantly evolving nature of marketing, publicity, and distribution.
10:45 a.m. Networking Break
Session 3: 11:00 a.m.
"Fireside Chat: The Changing Dynamic of Content Distribution"
Fireside Chat With Ed Carroll (30 minutes)
Interviewer; Mark Robichaux, Author or “Cable Cowboy,” formerly editor in chief of Broadcasting + Cable and Multichannel News magazines
Guest; Ed Carroll, President, Kino Lorber Media Group and previously, Vice Chairman of AMC Networks
Hear the latest news on international distribution from Huntington’s own Ed Carroll. He’ll share his perspective on the future of distribution based on his current role as President of Kino Lorber, a leader in independent art house distribution with its own direct digital platforms showcasing new releases direct from theaters, plus curated international, indie, and documentary films, and newly restored classics. Ed will also share some stories from his previous role at AMC Networks where he was personally involved with some of TV’s biggest Emmy winning series of the past decade.
11:45 a.m. Closing Remarks